Hey everyone.
Just wanted to give you all a quick heads up. If you haven't followed my Twitter account, you'll know there is no Back Stack for this week. I've just gotten terribly busy and haven't finished all the comics I picked up from last week. In addition, there will be no Back Stack next week either as I'm planning something special in my personal life and probably won't have time to work on it anyway. The Back Stack will resume on May 1 or May 2. If there are comics worth noting from these past two weeks, I may decide to throw them in with that week, but from what I HAVE read so far from last week's books, there's nothing particularly impressive. Don't get me wrong. There have been good books, but there have been bad books too *coughSoniccough* and nothing that's really wowed me.
Then again, I haven't gotten around to Batman and Robin yet.
So, yeah. Sorry to bring the bad(?) news to you all. Don't worry, though. If I play my cards right, we might get our first Grave Issues Spotlight this Saturday.
EDIT: After deliberation, I've decided that the Back Stack's catch-up edition will be on May 8th. Why? Well... I didn't pick up all the books I would have liked to this week. They're waiting for me and I will read them, but I'd like to read them all for you, so, yeah, I'll cover the best and worst then. For those asking, yes, I am well aware of the edits made to the Sonic Select vol. 5 book. You better believe I'll be covering THAT.
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